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How Does the Law Protect in War: Cases , Documents and Teaching Materials on Contemporary Practice in International Humanitarian Law

ISBN13: 9782881451102
ISBN: 2881451101
Published: June 1999
Publisher: ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

How Does Law Protect in War? is the first book of its kind in the field of International Humanitarian Law. A selection of one hundred and ninety three cases provides university professors, practitioners, and students with the most updated and comprehensive selection of documents on International Humanitarian Law. A comprehensive outline of International Humanitarian Law puts the contents of these cases into their systematic context and theoretical perspective.

Part I is the backbone of the book. It outlines, the various issues of International Humanitarian Law. Under each theme an introductory text by the authors is provided, sometimes extracts from articles, books, and documents which are illustrative of a specific topic are reproduced. Most importantly, a list of the cases whose contents illustrate and develop each theme appears under each subheading. The text of these cases is reproduced in the second part of the book.

Part II is the main body of the book where the one hundred and ninety three cases are reproduced. The content of each case will vary according to the topic, but mostly includes carefully edited extracts from national or international tribunal judgements, Resolutions of the Security Council of the United Nations, media reports, and published documents of the ICRC and NGOs. The most innovative part is the discussion of each case through questions.

Finally, the third part of the book provides teaching outlines for professors who are willing to set up a course or to introduce International Humanitarian Law into other courses. Law faculties are of course targeted but not only, for instance a teaching outline for Journalism faculties is also provided. The main goal of this book is to show that International Humanitarian Law is relevant in contemporary practice afnd that it provides - although inherently insufficient - answers to the humanitarian problems appearing in and in relation to armed conflicts.

In publishing this book, the ICRC hopes to encourage practice-related teaching of International Humanitarian Law in universities world-wide and to provide practitioners with a reference book on contemporary practice in International Humanitarian Law.