In this second edition of the acclaimed "Competition Inspections in 21 Jurisdictions", Nathalie Jalabert-Doury brings together distinguished practitioners from around the world to prov ide an in-depth analysis of the legal and practical aspects of competition inspections across 25 major jurisdictions. Each country chapter comprises a series of questions and answers outlining the legal basis and scope of powers under relevant local legislation, the key stages of a dawn raid, the rights and obligations of a company subject to an inspection, and the prospects of judicial review. Ill uminated by the expertise of the authors, the chapters outline steps which should be taken to ensure that a company facing an inspection may respond in an efficient manner white minimising legal risk. The book is a necessary and essential guide for both in-houle and outside counsel to ensure that an effective internai response strategy is put in place before being confronted with an inspection.
The jurisdictions in this new edition include Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, the Czech Repuhlic, the European Union, France, French Polynesia, Germant', Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea. Morocco, the Netherlands, New Caledonia, Portugal, Saudi Arahia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and the United States.