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Compendium of Antitrust Damages Actions 2nd ed

Edited by: John W.H. Denton, François Brunet, Sarina Williams, Caroline Inthavisay

ISBN13: 9781939007179
Published: December 2023
Publisher: Concurrences
Country of Publication: France
Format: Hardback
Price: £80.00

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Antitrust litigation has become extremely complex and not all jurisdictions have adopted the same rules. The Compendium of Antitrust Damages Actions was developed to bring clarity and guidance in an area of law that is in constant evolution. It aims to profile the legal regime related to antitrust damages actions in a variety of important jurisdictions by providing an overview of the key legal principles - organized around 9 topics and completed in some jurisdictions by an additional section highlighting key issues.

With references to nearly 350 court cases, the Compendium is a unique tool for all economic actors - antitrust experts and non-experts alike - and was designed to address the concerns of both multinational companies and SMEs that may be exposed to, or already involved in, antitrust litigation. It provides details on the method of calculating damages in numerous jurisdictions as well as the amount of damages awarded, to increase companies’ understanding and awareness of the issue. Courts will be able to see what courts in other jurisdictions have decided on a given issue, which may contribute to a greater consistency and, within the European Union, to enhance integration.

This compendium is also intended to support competition authorities by giving them a general view on the consequences of their decisions. By providing decision-makers with a comparative overview of the issues most frequently arising in private antitrust litigation in key jurisdictions, we hope to help them navigate through a new, fast-changing legal environment.

The jurisdictions covered include Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, the European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The Compendium is published in cooperation with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).