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Arbitration Law and Practice in Central and Eastern Europe 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781937518905
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781929446957
Published: August 2020
Publisher: Juris Publishing
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Hardback
Price: £250.00

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Arbitration Law and Practice in Central and Eastern Europe addresses arbitration practices and the involvement of state authority on arbitrations in this region, where case law is generally sparse, legal reforms recent, and where, as a consequence, the legal writing is limited and does not cover the entire array of questions that may arise. Key aspects of arbitration are investigated from both the arbitrator's and counsel's perspectives and important tactical issues are discussed by prominent attorneys and arbitrators. Its well-designed and comprehensive questionnaire format allows easy location of information, but also provides in-depth coverage of the eight jurisdictions covered. Developed by highly respected editors who themselves have established reputations for excellence in arbitration and a practitioner's eye for the information that is needed most, the book is a valuable reference and guide for all seeking to obtain a quick but extensive overview on arbitration practices in this part of the world.

Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Editors and Contributors
Country Report Questionnaire
Austria,Christoph Liebscher
Bulgaria ,Silvy Vasilev Chernev
Croatia,Alan Uzelac,Tomislav Nagy
Hungary, István Varga
RomaniaLiliana Toader Deaconescu, Luminita Olteanu, Ligia Cecilia Popescu, Andreea Zvâc
Latvia, Ziedonis Ūdris
Russian Federation, Julia Zagonek, Pavlov Boulatov, Daria Scheglova, Gordon Blanke
Slovak Republic, Pavol Biksadsky