Although the system has been operating for over eight years, A Practical Guide to Simple Procedure in the Sheriff Court is the first book to be written on this important topic. Furthermore, it is designed to assist solicitors to minimize the ever present perils of complaints and the non-payment of fees and outlays. The book pays particular regard to risk management in relation to cost, delay and the uncertainties over the rules of evidence.
The book regards Simple Procedure as only one component of a small debt recovery process that requires knowledge and awareness of the practicalities of the law of expenses and of diligence, two key areas which are not sufficiently covered by the Rules themselves. The book looks at other systems of low value claims and argues firstly that solicitors should try to minimise their involvement in Simple Procedure completely and, secondly, that low value actions should be taken out of the courts entirely.
While A Practical Guide to Simple Procedure in the Sheriff Court is designed primarily for solicitors it will also be of use to students and party litigants seeking to navigate their way round this form of process.