In recent years, it has become increasingly common for consumers to travel abroad for cosmetic surgical and dental procedures. Consumers may be enticed to go abroad from seeing surgical packages advertised on social media, such as TikTok or Instagram, which may be cheaper than private treatment costs in the United Kingdom and may entail a stay at a luxury hotel. Unfortunately, things can and do go wrong. When consumers suffer with complications arising from their procedures or an outcome that they are dissatisfied with, it may be the case that there has been causative negligence by the foreign surgeon and/or clinic such that proceedings are contemplated.
However, cross-border clinical negligence claims can be challenging to handle and bring with them a number of issues. Unlike a standard clinical negligence claim, practitioners often face additional complexities, such as whether England and Wales is the appropriate forum to hear the claim, as well as questions as to what the applicable law of the claim is.
This book provides practical guidance to practitioners handling cross-border clinical negligence claims, covering issues including jurisdiction and applicable law, deaths abroad and inquests, applicable standards, expert evidence, and different types of claim.