We are extremely fortunate in this country to enjoy some truly magnificent landscapes, ranging from towering peaks to lowland fens. We are, rightly, proud of these landscapes, such that their protection, and our rights to roam in them, are of the utmost import.
The system that has developed for their protection depends on the designation of those landscapes as a National Parks, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (“AONB”), or as part of the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads. At present, approximately 24.5% of England is currently covered by National Parks, the Broads, or AONBs. This book looks at the law in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
This book outlines the legislative history of National Parks, AONBs and the Broads, looking at their statutory underpinning, government guidance, and potential for re-form. It examines, in detail, their role in the planning system (chapters 2-3), looking at the application of national policy and guidance (chapter 4), wildlife and biodiversity issues (chapter 5), and water issues (chapter 6). The book also looks at the various rights of way and access rights granted to member of the public (chapters 7 and 8).