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A Practical Guide to the Law in Relation to Control of the Body After Death

ISBN13: 9781912687985
Published: November 2020
Publisher: Law Brief Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £29.99

Despatched in 5 to 7 days.

Disputes over control of a body or ashes, and the arrangements for funerals or headstones/memorials are not encountered on a daily basis in practice, but when they do appear, it is usually at the 11th hour, with clients needing advice at very short notice due to imminent burials or cremations.

This practical guide aims to provide the busy practitioner with the knowledge required to provide advice so that the necessary steps can be taken quickly. The book covers the issues of who has the right to call for possession of the body, who can decide as to where bodies should be buried, ashes scatter or interred, and who has the final say over gravestones or memorials.

1. Possession of the Body
2. The Duty to Properly Dispose of a Body
3. Applications to the Court (Practice and Procedure)
4. Applications to the Court (Factors for the Court to Consider)
5. Funeral and Disposal Disputes
6. Ashes and Cremation
7. Exhumation of Bodies and Ashes
8. Headstones and Memorials
9. Costs