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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Global Arbitration Review: The Guide to Advocacy 3rd ed isbn 9781789150964

Global Arbitration Review: The Guide to Advocacy 2nd ed

Edited by: Stephen Jagusch, Phillippe Pinsolle, Timothy L. Foden

ISBN13: 9781912377312
New Edition ISBN: 9781789150964
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781910813997
Published: February 2018
Publisher: Law Business Research Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

The Guide to Advocacy is a practical book for specialists and would-be specialists on how to be persuasive during international arbitration, featuring unique insight from well-known arbitrators on advocacy.

The Guide is a useful tool for junior lawyers who wish to develop their advocacy skills, as well as a manual for civil trained lawyers who would like to feel more at ease with cross-examination.

Woven throughout are gems from big name arbitrators – tips, complaints, musings and reminiscences – providing a new, 360-degree view of written and oral submissions.

New for the Second Edition:

Building on the first edition, the second edition contains several new chapters and a fresh tranche of arbitrator contributions.

The object remains the same, however, to provide guidance on persuading an arbitrator to rule in your favour. While the first edition covers the basics of doing just that, through chapters on, inter alia, written submissions, cross-examination, opening submissions and closing arguments, this second edition delves deeper by exploring ‘Cultural Considerations in Advocacy’. These chapters contain observations of help when some of the players in the arbitration – be they arbitrators, opponents or others – hale from Asia, Latin America, United States or the UK.

Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Stephen Jagusch QC, Philippe Pinsolle and Timothy Foden
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP

Case Strategy and Preparation for Effective Advocacy
Colin Ong QC 
Dr Colin Ong Legal Services

Written Advocacy
Thomas K Sprange QC
King & Spalding

The Initial Hearing
Grant Hanessian
Baker McKenzie

Opening Submissions
Franz T Schwarz
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP

Direct and Re-Direct Examination
Anne Véronique Schlaepfer and Vanessa Alarcón Duvanel
White & Case S.A.

Cross-Examination of Fact Witnesses: The Common Law Perspective
Stephen Jagusch QC
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP

Cross-Examination of Fact Witnesses: The Civil Law Perspective
Philippe Pinsolle
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP

Cross-Examination of Experts
David Roney
Sidley Austin LLP

Closing Arguments
Hilary Heilbron QC and Klaus Reichert SC
Brick Court Chambers

Tips for Second-Chairing an Oral Argument
Mallory Silberman
Timothy Foden
Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP

Cultural Considerations in Advocacy: East Meets West
Alvin Yeo SC and Chou Sean Yu
WongPartnership LLP

Cultural Considerations in Advocacy: Latin America
José I Astigarraga and Eduardo J De la Peña Bernal
Reed Smith LLP

Cultural Considerations in Advocacy: United States
Laurence Shore
Amal Bouchenaki
Herbert Smith Freehills

Cultural Considerations in Advocacy: The UK Perspective
David Lewis QC
20. Essex Street Chambers

The Role of the Expert in Advocacy
Philip Haberman
Haberman Ilett LLP

The Effective Use of Technology in the Arbitral Hearing Room
Whitley Tiller
Timothy Foden
RLM TrialGraphix
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP

Advocacy in International Sport Arbitration
James H. Carter
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP

Advocacy in Investment Treaty Arbitration
Stephen P. Anway
Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP