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Essential Magistrates' Courts Law (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781910979815
Published: October 2019
Publisher: Waterside Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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In this concise book the authors distil their vast knowledge and experience of magistrates’ courts for the benefit all those needing a speedy and targeted point of reference on key aspects of the relevant law, whether as newcomers, legal advisers, justices of the peace or criminal practitioners. Hugely informed and presented in an accessible format, it contains invaluable information and explanations of the central laws, procedures and practices of these courts.

The legal framework of summary justice has changed comprehensively in the past ten to 15 years including in terms of evidence, procedure, guidelines, sentencing, judicial training and the fair but efficient expedition of cases. The book is designed to complement these developments as well as modern-day aspects of case management.

Criminal Law, eBooks, Courts and Procedure
History of justices of the peace in England and Wales
A brief overview
The first appearance
Youths, vulnerable witnesses and defendants
The trial
Common offences
Common defences
Recent Developments
Criminal justice terms and abbreviations
Appendix I - A typical domestic violence case
Appendix 2 - Adjournments: The Lord Chief Justice's Practice Direction: April 2019