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A new edition is due, details can be seen here:
Mental Health and Benefits Handbook 2nd ed isbn 9781915324283

Mental Health and Benefits Handbook

CPAGChild Poverty Action Group

ISBN13: 9781910715956
New Edition ISBN: 9781915324283
Published: July 2023
Publisher: Child Poverty Action Group
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £38.50

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Mind and CPAG proudly announce the first edition of the Mental Health and Benefits Handbook.

This brand new handbook is a comprehensive guide to benefits for people who have mental health problems. It provides legal insight and practical guidance for the different stages of a benefit claim and addresses the problems that might be encountered. With chapters on universal credit, personal independence payment and other health-related benefits, the handbook addresses key topics including assessments and appeals, ‘supporting evidence’, work-related requirements, the rules for third parties, and getting reasonable adjustments.

The handbook is aimed at professionals supporting individuals with mental health problems as they navigate a benefit claim. It includes an overview of mental health symptoms and treatments and how to discuss them and highlights the specific barriers within the benefits system for people affected by mental health problems. People with lived experience of mental health problems and of claiming benefits have shared their insights, and we have used this experience to help inform our guidance and examples.

It is also helpful for carers, families and professionals who may be helping someone with a mental health problem apply for benefits. Looking at the steps that can be taken, and the legal levers that are available to help support and navigate clients through the complex social security system. The handbook will include an overview and descriptions of various mental health conditions as well as provide recommendations and tips for surmounting some of the difficulties that can be encountered when claimants are applying for benefits. Covering Universal credit and benefits for ill health through to challenging decisions, safeguarding, appointees, reasonable adjustments and recognition of complex needs.

Mental Health Law, Social Security and Welfare Law
An overview of Mental health and benefits
Giving advice
Employment and support allowance
Universal credit
Pension credit
Housing benefit
Personal independence payment
Adult disability allowance
Disability living allowance
Child disability allowance
Attendance allowance
Supporting evidence
Work, work-related requirements and sanctions
In education, hospital, a care home or prison
Getting a decision changed
Support, escalation and third parties