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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Outsourcing: A Practical Guide 2nd ed isbn 9781787424302

Outsourcing: A Practical Guide

Edited by: Kit Burden

ISBN13: 9781909416659
New Edition ISBN: 9781787424302
Published: September 2015
Publisher: Globe Law and Business
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

The global outsourcing market continues to expand and 2014/15 will likely set records in terms of both overall numbers of deals and total deal values.

With the underlying services increasing in both scope and complexity, there is accordingly more focus than ever before on the contract provisions underpinning such deals and the emerging body of best practice concerning their negotiation.

This book draws together the experience of the global technology and sourcing team at DLA Piper, one of the world’s largest law firms, in order to address the complete lifecycle of an outsourcing contract and the variety of legal and contractual issues that can arise in connection with such a project, from the initial genesis of the proposal to outsource all the way through the procurement process and onto post-contract signature contract management.

In so doing, it also breaks down the core outsourcing contract into its constituent parts, explains the rationale for the relevant provisions (from both a customer and service provider perspective), and provides guidance as to current market practice, options and trends.

Whether you are a user of outsourced services, an adviser on outsourcing projects or working with a service provider engaged in the provision of the outsourced services itself, this publication will provide you with an end-to-end guide to the outsourcing contracting process and the detailed terms to be considered and carefully negotiated.

Commercial Law
Part 1: Preparing to outsource
Status of the Outsourcing Marketplace
Overview of the Procurement, Negotiation and Delivery Process

Part 2: Practical guidance and risks
Role of the Client
Practical perils and pitfalls
Deal specific issues
Multi jurisdictional deals
SIAM/multi vendor projects
Different types of outsourced services

Part 3: Key provisions and issues
Due Diligence and Transition
The Services and Service Levels
Charges and Charging Models
Warranties and Delivery Commitments
IP, Data and Confidentiality Liability and Indemnities
Termination and Step In Rights Assets and Third Party Contracts
Governance, Vendor Management and Dispute Resolution
Renegotiations, Retenders and Transitions to a Replacement Supplier