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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
The Encyclopaedia of Upstream Oil and Gas 2nd ed isbn 9781787423107

The Encyclopaedia of Oil and Gas Law Volume 1: Upstream

Edited by: Eduardo G. Pereira, Petra Holding

ISBN13: 9781909416062
New Edition ISBN: 9781787423107
Published: April 2014
Publisher: Globe Law and Business
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

The petroleum industry is highly specialised. Over the centuries, the industry has developed a large number of standard petroleum arrangements and contracts that are not familiar to all across the industry and even less to the outside world. Each arrangement/contract has its own detailed terms and provisions.

This new major work provides the unique combination of an encyclopaedia with commentary for the entire chain of petroleum activities. This first volume of the encyclopaedia deals exclusively with upstream activities. First, it deals with all types of petroleum title with the host government (eg, concession agreements, production sharing agreements and service agreements).

Second, it covers all the relevant consortium agreements between investors (eg, joint bidding agreement, joint ventures and joint operating agreements). It also deals with the relevant players in the sector varying from the international oil company to the national oil company ; the relevant regulations in the sector (eg, petroleum law, fiscal terms, health, safety and environment and procurement) and the key mechanisms for raising funds in the upstream sector.

Lastly, the book covers acquisition mechanisms with government authorities and private parties, and the key issues concerning governing law and dispute resolution.

This approach enables all involved in the petroleum industry to master the industry’s necessary legal terms in one publication. A follow-up volume will focus on the remaining petroleum activities involved in the transportation, refinery, market and distribution phases. Both volumes will feature chapters by leading experts across the globe in order to provide the best industry practices and standards.

This encyclopaedia will serve as a valuable tool for lawyers, professionals in industry, consultants, academics, engineers, geologists who are interested in understanding the key legal terms and provisions of the oil and gas industry.

Energy and Natural Resources Law
Volume I. Upstream

1.1 Petroleum title
1.1.1. Tax and royalty regime
1.1.2. Production sharing agreement
1.1.3. Service agreement
1.1.4. Hybrid

1.2 Consortium agreements
1.2.1. Joint bidding agreement
1.2.2. Joint study agreement
1.2.3. Joint venture agreement
1.2.4. Joint operating agreement (including annex: AP, Secondment etc)
1.2.5. Joint lifting agreement
1.2.6. Joint sales and marketing agreement
1.2.7. Unitisation and unit operating agreement

1.3 Key stakeholders
1.3.1. Ministry of Petroleum
1.3.2. Relevant governmental authorities
1.3.3. National oil company
1.3.4. International oil company
1.3.5. Independent oil company
1.3.6. Sevice companies and contracts
1.3.7. Small companies

1.4 Regulatory framework
1.4.1. Constitution
1.4.2. Petroleum law
1.4.3. Fiscal terms
1.4.4. Health, safety and environment
1.4.5. Procurement
1.4.6. Surface rights
1.4.7. Other applicable laws

1.5 Finance
1.5.1. Equity participating
1.5.2. IPO
1.5.3. RBL
1.5.4. Loan/Debt

1.6 Mergers and Acquisitions
1.6.1. Direct acquisition with the host government
1.6.2. Farm-in/out agreements/SPA

1.7 Governing law and dispute resolution
1.7.1. Petroleum title
1.7.2. Petroleum law
1.7.3. Relevant national law
1.7.4. Relevant international law