Tackling Partner Underperformance in Law Firms
ISBN13: 9781908640017
Published: October 2011
Publisher: Ark Group
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print
Disagreeable as it is, the matter of partner underperformance is a live issue for law firms today. Not handling it correctly can have severe consequences for your firm including damage to its reputation, the morale of your high performers and overall bottom line.
Managing Partner's report on Tackling Partner Underperformance in Law Firms is the only guide to handling this extremely sensitive issue both compliantly and effectively to improve the financial and overall performance of your firm.
Packed with real-life examples, models and checklists along with the sought-after advice of leading law firm consultant Nick Jarrett-Kerr, this critical guide will enable you to:-
- Define roles and communicate clear and measurable expectations of partnership;
- Customise a balanced performance management system for partners;
- Implement a performance measurement framework that aligns reward with performance;
- Assess the most appropriate options available for supporting or dealing with struggling partners;
- Follow a step-by-step plan and timetable for managing underperformance;
- Understand the sensitivities involved in changing governance to deal with underperformers; and
- Implement an effective strategy for communicating throughout the process.
Real-life case studies from Taylor Vinters, Cobbetts, Capsticks and a number of other undisclosed firms highlight both the successes and failures in the field. You will also find practical resources within the report that can be adapted and implemented immediately within your firm,