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International Family Law Handbook

Edited by: Resolution International Committee

ISBN13: 9781908568137
Published: January 2025
Publisher: Resolution (SFLA)
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £85.00

Despatched in 7 to 9 days.

International Family Law Handbook is an accessible introduction for all family justice professionals seeking an overview of the international aspects of family law. It will also serve as a handy reference tool for experienced international family lawyers.

International family law has wide scope, and the content of this handbook touches on issues affecting an increasing number of families. Sometimes its application is obvious, such as where a child has been abducted abroad, but it also applies where someone's status affects their ability to stay in this country; where there are assets abroad; where the recognition of their English divorce may affect their ability to marry abroad; where Shari'a law might apply; or where they move a few miles from Berwick-upon-Tweed in England to North Berwick in Scotland.

Building on the rich history of previous versions of Resolution’s international guides over 30 years, International Family Law Handbook has been comprehensively updated and enhanced by Resolution’s highly experienced international committee of solicitors, barristers, judges and academics, many of whom also either practice or are qualified in other jurisdictions, including Scotland, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Australia, Switzerland and UAE.

International Family Law Handbook is an indispensable guide for family lawyers covering all aspects of international family law. It is comprehensive and authoritative while also being accessible and practical for the busy family law professional.

Family Law
Recognition of foreign marriages and divorces
Divorce jurisdiction and stays
Forced marriages
Child Maintenance
Intra-UK law
International service
Evidence abroad
International public law
Cross-border issues for cohabitees
Shari’a law