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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Execution of Documents: A Practical Guide 4th ed isbn 9781784461973

Execution of Documents 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781907698965
New Edition ISBN: 9781784461973
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781853286995
Published: August 2015
Publisher: Law Society Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Incorrect execution can lead to documents being invalid or unenforceable. Ensure that you are followingthe correct procedures with the fully updated and revised third edition of Execution of Documents.

The book is divided into four main sections:

  • Procedural guides - offers step-by-step guidance on the correct procedure for executing each type ofdocument and for executing deeds according to the type of legal entity
  • Legal commentary - provides a consideration of the underlying legal principles and issues for eachtype of document and for executing deeds according to the type of legal entity
  • Specific issues - covering matters that do not fall into the above
  • Selected appendices.
This practical and user-friendly guide covers different types of documents such as deeds, contracts,powers of attorney and documents used in litigation. Newer methods of signing documents, including electronic signatures, will also be covered.

This new third edition will be comprehensively updated to take account of:

  • The completion of the implementation of the Companies Act 2006
  • The passing of the Legal Services Act 2007
  • Relevant cases such as R v HMRC.

Courts and Procedure
Part I: Procedural Guide:
1.Agreements under hand
2.Execution of a deed by an individual
3.Execution of a deed by a corporation (not formed under a Companies Act or regulated by CA 2006)
4.Execution of a deed by a company formed under the Companies Acts
5.Execution of a deed by a limited liability partnership
6.Execution of a deed by a company incorporated outside United Kingdom
7.Execution of a deed by a local authority
8.Execution of a deed by a partnership
9.Execution of a deed by charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) under the Charities Act 2011
10.Execution of a deed by a registered society
11.Statutory declarations
12.Powers of attorney
13.Statements of truth

Part II: Legal commentary:
15.Agreements under hand
16.Execution of a deed by an individual
17.Execution of a deed by a corporation (not formed under a Companies Act)
18.Execution of a deed by a company formed under a Companies Act or to which the CA 2006 applies
19.Execution of a deed by a limited liability partnership
20.Execution of a deed by a company incorporated outside Great Britain or the United Kingdom
21.Companies - other
22.Execution of a deed by a local authority
23.Execution of a deed by a partnership
25.Universities and other higher education institutions
27.Statutory declarations
28.Powers of attorney
29.Statements of truth

Part III: Specific Issues:
31.Electronic signatures
32.Persons authorised to take oaths
33.Other persons authorised to administer oaths
34.Notaries public
35.Welsh language
36.Fees and value added tax
