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Company Law Handbook 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781907698538
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781853288180
Published: September 2013
Publisher: Law Society Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Extensively expanded from its previous edition, this comprehensive handbook provides a detailed but clear and coherent analysis of corporate law, in the context of private and public companies.

Detailed, accessible and stimulating, the Company Law Handbook has been totally revised and updated with particular reference to:=

  • Key case law developments in relation to corporate personality and the corporate veil
  • Extended coverage of the criminal liability of corporations including a new section on the Bribery Act 2010
  • Key case law developments in respect of directors’ duties, derivative claims and minority actions
  • Coverage of share dealings, takeovers, prospectus issues and insider dealing/market abuse in public companies
  • Extended coverage of insolvency issues
  • General case law and statutory developments.

      New chapters have been added including: directors’ liability, acquiring and dealing with shares in a public company, corporate governance and insolvency procedures.

Company Law
1. The registered company
2. The formation and registration of a company
3. Types and classification of companies
4. The legal consequences of incorporation – the corporate veil
5. The personal liability of a director – statutory provisions dislodging the corporate veil
6. A company’s constitution
7. The legal nature and characteristics of holding shares in a limited company
8. Types and classes of shares
9. Acquiring and dealing with shares in a public company
10. Share capital and capital maintenance
11. Loan capital and the registration of charges
12. Accounts and reporting structures
13. Taxation of companies
14. . Directors and the management of a company
15. Directors’ duties
16. Corporate governance issues
17. Directors’ authority and the validity of corporate transactions
18. The disqualification of company directors
19. The company in general meeting
20. The protection of minority shareholders
21. The criminal liability of a company
22. Insolvency procedures
Appendices.(Model Articles of Association).