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Uncommon Law

ISBN13: 9781907429163
Previous Edition ISBN: 1842326228
Published: July 2011
Publisher: Capuchin Classics
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

First published as an omnibus of AP Herbert’s Misleading Cases, Uncommon Law is a quite brilliant collection of AP Herbert’s satirical 'law reports' or 'judgments' on various aspects of the British legal and judicial system.

These reports, although entirely fictional, were on several occasions mistakenly reported as factual by the British press. The reports often had a sharp political point beneath their satire, and tied into Herbert’s personal crusades against obsolescent legislation.

As Lord Falconer of Thoroton points out in his foreword, There is hardly a work in English literature which captures more accurately and entertainingly the attitudes and approach of the English courts with their vanity, their humour and their strength.