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The EU as a Collective Actor in the WTO: An Analysis based on the Principles of Transparency, Accountability, Legitimacy and Democracy

ISBN13: 9781907174162
Published: September 2013
Publisher: Cameron May Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The EU as a Collective Actor in the WTO seeks to analyze the functioning of the EU in the WTO in a comprehensive and critical manner. It provides an in-depth examination of the institutional and legal mechanisms underpinning the unique character of the WTO membership of the EU and its Member States.

The EU as a Collective Actor in the WTO contributes to the discussion whether the EU practices in the WTO are compatible with constitutional principles of transparency, accountability, legitimacy and democracy. The EU is no longer predominantly economic organization and from its inception, the importance of good governance and adherence to the abovementioned constitutional principles has been stressed.

Furthermore, the trade policy has always been the most important policy of the Union in which the European Parliament played no or almost no role. The book discusses the new role given to the European Parliament by the Treaty of Lisbon in trade policy. It also examines what this role means in practice and what are the implications for the future.

The book offers a wealth of information gathered about both formal and informal manner of functioning of the EU and its Member States in the WTO. The EU as a Collective Actor in the WTO should be read by policy makers, scholars, lawyers, students, all those interested in trade policy and external relations of the Union and those who want to have a better and deeper understanding of Union's decision-makes process and representation practices in the WTO.

International Trade, EU Law
Foreword by Prof. Dr. Tony Joris, Director Centre for European Law
I. Introduction
1. General Overview

II. Division of Powers
2. General
3. External Powers of the European Union - existence and nature
4. Common Commercial Policy of the European Union

III. European Union Internal Decision- making in WTO Matters
5. General
6. Actors in European Union Decision-making in WTO Matters
7. Decision-making in WTO Disputes
8. Decision-making in conducting Trade Agreement Negotiations in the WTO

IV. Representation of the European Union in the WTO
9. General
10. Representation of the EU in WTO Dispute Settlement Body
11. Representation of the European Union in WTO Political Bodies

V. Constitutional Framework
12. General
13. 'Political Inventions' of Constitutionalism
14. Constitutional Principles

VI. Assessments
15. Assessment of the CCP and its division of powers between the European Union and its Member States in WTO matters
16. Assessment of Internal European Union decision- making in WTO Matters
17. Assessment of the Representation of the European Union in the WTO

VII. Conclusion
18. Introduction