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Business Planning for Law Firms

ISBN13: 9781906355562
Published: May 2009
Publisher: Ark Group
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Number of Pages: 87

Managing Partner's new Business Planning for Law Firms report is a unique, no-nonsense guide. The report is written specifically to help you develop a business strategy that will not only sustain your law firm through tough economic times but make changes that will improve cost efficiency, productivity and client relationships. This highly-valuable new report, written by Paul Gilbert, examines the now significant challenges to operating a successful, competitive law firm and highlights important opportunities afforded by the changing legal landscape. By analysing successful business strategies in a variety of firms the report will help you establish new best practice and develop the right response for your firm. Subjects covered include: Resource planning, particularly people resources/human capital; Trainees - deferment, cancellation or business as usual? Preserving talent in recessionary times; Ensuring that your business plan is aligned with the needs of clients; Engaging heads of practice group and other relevant people in business planning; Threats and opportunities from the Legal Services Act; Procurement and differentiating your firm in a panel review; Refocusing/restructuring areas which have been affected by the downturn; Cost/fee models; Reviewing expenditure - what to consider when making cut backs; Emerging from the downturn with a strong and competitive market position; Ensuring support functions are adding maximum value. Is it wise to make cut backs on CSR, marketing, diversity, IT, etc.? Looking at short, medium and long term plans. This report provides a significant insight into the client point of view, with particular feedback as to what represents high quality, value added service from the client perspective.