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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
The Queen's Counsel Official Lawyers Handbook isbn 9781849541701

Lawyers Uncovered: The (Allegedly) Best of Queen's Counsel

ISBN13: 9781906217082
New Edition ISBN: 9781849541701
Previous Edition ISBN: 0723010714
Published: September 2007
Publisher: JR Books
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The funny and subversive Queen's Counsel cartoon strip has appeared on the law pages of The Times since 1993, delighting the legal profession and general readers alike with its accurate and biting send-up of the profession and its practices.

Here - allegedly! - is the best of them. In these pages, readers will delight in:-

  • Geoffrey Bentwood QC, who specialises in boring his clients to death, while not-so-secretly longing to be promoted to the bench;
  • his sidekick, Edward Longwind, who takes lessons in pomposity from Sir Geoffrey;
  • Richard Loophole of Loophole and Fillibuster who does his best to bankrupt his clients, while working his associates to death and pretending to remember some of the law he learned at school;
  • and at the mercy of all of them is the luckless Mr Sprocket, the endlessly unsuccessful litigant whose lawyers will not rest until they have spent all of his money.
This work features the best of the Queen's Counsel cartoon strip from The Times