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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
A Practitioner's Guide to the Regulation of Investment Banking 3rd ed isbn 9780414028135

A Practitioner's Guide to the FSA Regulation of Investment Banking 2nd ed

Edited by: Simon Gleeson

ISBN13: 9781905121038
ISBN: 1905121032
New Edition ISBN: 9780414028135
Previous Edition ISBN: 189883055X
Published: June 2006
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Since A Practitioner's Guide to The FSA Regulation of Investment Banking was first published in 2002, the regulatory environment in which investment banks operate has continued to undergo significant change. This new edition has been particularly revised in light of the implementation of the Prospectus Directive and also the advent of the new Market Abuse Regime. The process of implementing the Market Abuse Regime and the Prospectus Directive has included significant amendments to the Code of Market Conduct, the Listing Rules and the Conduct of Business rules, which are now covered in some greater depth.

Additionally, a new chapter on hedge funds reflects the growth of the hedge fund market and its increasing importance within corporate finance. A Practitioner's Guide to The FSA Regulation of Investment Banking is intended as a guide to the changes affecting corporate finance regulation generally but with an emphasis on the investment banking sector. It is written by a team of leading practitioners and will provide practical insight into the implications of the regulatory environment for a wide range of corporate finance activities.

Banking and Finance
Chapter 1 - The FSMA Regime
Simon Gleeson, Allen & Overy LLP
Chapter 2 - Controllers and Senior Management
Bridget Barker, Macfarlanes ;
Chapter 3 - Rules Applicable to Corporate Finance Activities
John Bennett, Berwin Leighton Paisner
Chapter 4 - Conflicts and Confidential Information
Christopher Pearson, Norton Rose
Chapter 5 - Financial Promotion
Guy Morton, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Chapter 6 - Market Abuse, Misleading Statements and Practices
Chris Ashworth, Ashurst
Chapter 7 - Stabilisation
Tim Gee, Baker & McKenzie
Chapter 8 - Equity Issues
Lucy Fergusson, Linklaters
Chapter 9 - Mergers and Acquisitions
Stuart Evans, Simmons & Simmons
Chapter 10 - E-commerce
Glynn Barwick and David Toube, Ashurst
Chapter 11 - Corporate Finance Regulation:
The US Perspective
Christopher Bernard, Allen & Overy LLP
Chapter 12 - Hedge Funds
Timothy Spangler, Berwin Leighton Paisner