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The Waterside Press A-Z of Criminal Justice

ISBN13: 9781904380108
Publisher: Waterside Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Publication Abandoned
Paperback edition out of print, ISBN13 9781872870106

A unique work containing some 25,000 entries and cross-references and with topics spanning the entire field of criminal justice and penal affairs - plus a 'Calender of Criminal Justice' from 500 - 2004 AD. A major work in encyclopaedic format - five years in the making.

The A to Z provides a wide range of information about criminal justice and penal affairs. The information is current, historical (from early times to 2004), informative and analytical. It includes a basic outline of each topic plus some more detailed treatments - often with connections across time, conventional boundaries and shifts in thinking.

Publication notice - May 2005
This work - which is now over 75 per cent complete - has been rescheduled for autumn 2005 due to the large number of changes and additional information occurring during 2003, including a significant number of related Statutes, Bills, proposals and changes in working practice across the Criminal Justice System - all of which are important and are currently being processed for inclusion. We expect to announce a firm date very soon

Criminal Law