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Disability Rights Handbook April 2025 - April 2026 50th ed

Edited by: Disability Rights UK, Ian Greaves

ISBN13: 9781903335949
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781903335932
To be Published: April 2025
Publisher: Disability Rights UK
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback, A4
Price: £48.00

A guide to benefits and services for all disabled people, their families, carers and advisers.

The handbook provides in-depth, comprehensive guidance on the everchanging benefits system, explains how social care operates around the UK and includes up-to-date information on the benefits, services and resources disabled people have a right to expect.

Fully updated for 2025/26 the handbook includes:

  • Benefits for people living with health conditions, injury or disability and for carers, children and young people
  • How the system works, how to claim and how to challenge a decision
  • Support for people in education or work, not in work, looking for work or in retirement
  • Getting and paying for care and support services

The transfer of claimants on legacy, means-tested benefits and tax credits to universal credit is almost complete. From April 2025, no-one will be claiming tax credits, and very few receiving income support or income-based jobseeker’s allowance. Migration from income-related employment and support allowance will continue into 2025/26.

The transfer process is not automatic: claimants need to apply for universal credit (or pension credit) when they receive a migration notice letter. Many have yet to respond and face their old benefits stopping and not being replaced.

The handbook has been restructured to provide clear guidance on the new system and how to navigate these fundamental changes.