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French Criminal Law

ISBN13: 9781903240304
ISBN: 1903240301
Published: May 2001
Publisher: Willan Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £43.99
Hardback edition price on application, ISBN13 9781903240311

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This work provides a clear and accessible account and analysis of French criminal law in English. French criminal law has been highly influential in the development of criminal law in civil law countries around the world, and a knowledge of French criminal law has become increasingly important in view of the internationalization and Europeanization of criminal law.

The book provides a historical introduction to the development of French criminal law, and a chapter on French criminal procedure to provide the context for an understanding of substantive criminal law. Subsequent chapters cover the general principles of French criminal law, analyzing actus reus, mens rea, parties to crime, inchoate offences and general defences.

The major offences are then considered chapter by chapter, and an appendix provides in both French and English the key provisions of the French Criminal Code.

European Jurisdictions
Preface; Translation of French legal terminology; 1 The evolution of French criminal law; 2 French criminal practice; 3 Actus reus; 4 Mens rea; 5 Parties to crime; 6 Inchoate offences; 7 General defences; 8 Genocide and other crimes against humanity; 9 Voluntary homicide offences; 10 Involuntary homicide offences; 11 Non-fatal offences against the person; 12 Rape; 13 Property offences; 14 Drug offences; Appendix: key provisions of the French criminal code in English and French; Index