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The External Trade Law of the EU

Stratos KonstadinidisLecturer in European Economic Law, University of Bristol

ISBN13: 9781901362978
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Format: Hardback
Price: Publication Abandoned

The completion of the Internal Market, the coming into force of the TEU as revised by the Treaty of Amsterdam, together with the establishment of the WTO in April 1994 had tremendous consequences not only for the European Union itself, the largest trading entity in the world today, but also for its world-wide trading partners. The purpose of this book is to analyze and critically assess the Community's conventional and autonomous legal framework which currently regulates the conduct of its external trade and economic relations. The scope of the book will concentrate on issues of a commercial and economic nature, particularly within the context of the Common Commercial Policy (CCP), and will examine the main and inter-related aspects of the Union's external trade law