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The Province of Administrative Law

Edited by: Michael Taggart

ISBN13: 9781901362022
ISBN: 1901362027
Published: June 1997
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £80.00

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During the period 1987-1997, administrative law has experienced remarkable development. It has consistently been one of the most dynamic and potent areas of legal innovation and of judicial activism. Largely through the mechanism of judicial review the judges in several jurisdictions have extended the ambit of the traditional remedies, partly in response to a perceived need to fill an accountability vacuum created by the privatization of public enterprises, the contracting-out of public services, and the deregulation of industry and commerce.;The essays in this volume focus upon these and other shifts in administrative law, and in doing so they draw upon the experiences of several jurisdictions: the UK, the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The result is a broad analysis of the scope, development and future direction of administrative law.

Constitutional and Administrative Law
The province of administrative law determined?, Michael Taggart; constitutionalism and the contractualisation of government, Murray Hunt; a public lawyer's responses to privatisation and outsourcing, Mark Aronson; theoretical and institutional underpinnings of a separate administrative law, John W.F. Allison; administrative law for a new century, Alfred C. Aman, Jr.; public service law and the new public management, H. Wade MacLauchlan; administrative law at the margins, David Mullan; intermediate associations and the state, Janet McLean; the reach of administrative law in the United States, Jack m. Beermann; public law and control over private power, Paul Craig; the underlying values of public and private law, Dawn Oliver; criminal justice from the bottom-up - some thoughts on police rulemaking processes, Hudson Janisch and Ron Levi; the politics of deference - judicial review an democracy, David Dyzenhaus; the ""ebb"" and ""flow"" of administrative law on the ""general question of law"", Madame Justice Claire L'Heureux-Dube; feminism, pluralism and administrative law, Alison Harvison Young.