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Enquiries of Local Authorities
and Water Companies:
A Practical Guide 7th ed

 Keith Pugsley, Ken Miles

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Enquiries of Local Authorities and Water Companies: A Practical Guide 6th ed isbn 9780854901920

Enquiries of Local Authorities and Water Companies: A Practical Guide 5th ed

ISBN13: 9781898899952
New Edition ISBN: 9780854901920
Previous Edition ISBN: 1898899576
Published: September 2007
Publisher: Callow Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Submitting enquiries to the local authority, and to the water and drainage undertaker, and interpreting the responses, is a vital element of the conveyancing process, intended to elicit comprehensive information about the property in contemplation of purchase. These enquiries supplement the usual search of the register of local land charges, and are now in the standard forms Con 29R: Enquiries of Local Authority (2007), Con 29O: Optional Enquiries of Local Authority (2007), and Con 29DW: Standard Drainage and Water Enquiries (2007). New editions of the forms came into use in August 2007.

Enquiries of Local Authorities and Water Companies: A Practical Guide provides an essential background to the enquiries, explaining the statutory provisions underlying each of the questions, and evaluating the likely replies. The 2007 editions of the enquiries have been drafted to take account of developments in legislation and practice, including the introduction of home information packs. Many of the enquiries have been updated, and a number of new enquiries now appear. For the first time, many of the enquiries have a statutory basis in the Home Information Pack (No. 2) Regulations 2007. The fifth edition of this book is therefore particularly timely - an indispensable tool for all conveyancers and for those in the local authorities and water companies who answer the enquiries.

PART I: The Required Enquiries
Enquiry 1.1: Planning and Building Regulations
Enquiry 2: Roadways, Footways and Footpaths
Enquiry 3: Other Matters

PART II: Optional Enquiries
Enquiry 4: Road Proposals by Private Bodies
Enquiry 5: Public Paths or Byways
Enquiry 6: Advertisements
Enquiry 7: Completion Notices
Enquiry 8: Parks and Countryside
Enquiry 9: Pipe-lines
Enquiry 10: Houses in Multiple Occupation
Enquiry 11: Noise Abatement
Enquiry 12: Urban Development Areas
Enquiry 13: Enterprise Zones
Enquiry 14: Inner Urban Improvement Areas
Enquiry 15: Simplified Planning Zones
Enquiry 16: Land Maintenance Notices
Enquiry 17: Mineral Consultation Areas
Enquiry 18: Hazardous Substance Consents
Enquiry 19: Environmental and Pollution Notices
Enquiry 20: Food Safety Notices
Enquiry 21: Hedgerow Notices
Enquiry 22: Common Land, Town and Village Greens

PART III: Drainage and Water Enquiries