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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Australian Essential International Trade Law 2nd ed isbn 9781876905330

Australian Essential International Trade Law

ISBN13: 9781876905101
ISBN: 1876905107
New Edition ISBN: 1876905336
Published: January 2002
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: Australia
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Out Of Print
Essential International Trade Law provides a non-technical examination of the legal aspects of private and public international trade. It covers international sale contracts,carriage by sea, air and land, competition law, international trade organisations (including the World Trade Organisation), world trading blocs, legal liability, and methods of dispute resolution in international trade.

It has a chapter dealing with the effect of electronic commerce on international trade, and the legal issues which should be considered in moving from paper-based trading to electronic trading. In many cases, websites are cited which contain full text documents, including international organisations, rules and conventions. This book is a valuable resource to both students of international trade law and Australian businesses wishing to understand the legal framework in which they operate when exporting and importing goods.

Essential International Trade Law takes the mystery out of international trade law in a way which is both informative and interesting.

Introduction to International Trade Law; Frameworks for Understanding; World Trade Organisation; Trading Blocs; Competition; International Trade Contracts; Dispute Settlement; Electronic Commerce