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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Hunt on Mining Law in Western Australia 5th ed isbn 9781760020323

Mining Law in Western Australia 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781862873803
ISBN: 1862873801
New Edition ISBN: 9781760020323
Published: April 2001
Publisher: The Federation Press
Country of Publication: Australia
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Mining Laws in Western Australia has been established for nearly 20 years as an essential reference for all legal issues relating to the mining industry. This new edition, the third, but the first under the sole authorship of Michael Hunt, will be widely and warmly welcomed. The 8 years since the publication of the second edition of the book have seen such massive change that the old edition is seriously out of date and dangerous to use as a reference source.

There have been 21 amendments to the Mining Act and 32 to the Mining Regulations since the second edition. In that period, there has been a substantial volume of case law through decisions in the High Court, the Supreme Court and the Wardens' Courts. Most significantly of all, has been the impact of the federal Native Title Act upon the application of mining law.

The new edition reflects all these changes and states the law as at 1 January 2001. In addition, it refers to legislative amendments which have been passed but not yet proclaimed and to amendments proposed by the Department of Minerals and Energy but not yet introduced into Parliament.

The basic structure of previous editions is retained - chapter by chapter commentary which follows the layout of the Mining Act itself. There are entirely new chapters covering Native Title, Offshore Mining and Uranium Mining and new sections dealing with Stamp Duty and the GST.

Although the book deals with mining law in Western Australia, it has always been regarded as having a relevance to the mining industry in other States and the Northern Territory, as broadly similar principles apply throughout Australia, This relevance has been enhanced in the third edition because of the greatly expanded coverage of case law and because of its consideration of national issues such as native title and GST.

Other Jurisdictions
Administration, Mineral Fields and Courts
Land Available for Exploration and Mining
Prospecting Licence
Exploration Licence
Retention Licence
Mining Lease
General Purpose Lease
Miscellaneous Licence
Mining Tenements: Surrender and forfeiture, Expenditure Conditions and Exemption
General Provisions Relating to Mining Tenements
Priority, Registration, Dealings and Documentation
Compensation and Securities
Administration of Justice
Miscellaneous Provisions
Offshore Mining
Uranium Mining
Native Title and Aboriginal Heritage Laws Affecting Mineral Exploration and Production
Schedule of forms and precedents
Schedule of fees and rents
Map of Western Australia, showing mineral fields and mineral districts
Table of mining registrars, wardens' courts, addresses, phone and fax numbers of mining registrars, mineral fields, district and tenements prefix code
Schedule of royalties
Schedule of stamp duty
Affidavits of compliance: application for exploration licence
Affidavits of compliance: application for miscellaneous licence
List of publications by department of minerals and energy
Guidelines for mining project approval in Western Australia issued by department of minerals and energy
Guidelines for completion of state deed (deed for grant of tenement) by native title parties and grantee parties
Deed for compulsory acquisition of any native title rights and interests
Table of Cases/ Table of Statutes/ Index ;