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Legal London: A Pictorial History

ISBN13: 9781860771118
ISBN: 1860771114
Published: October 1999
Publisher: Phillimore & Co Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print
Paperback edition out of print, ISBN13 9781860775079

London has been home to more lawyers, for more centuries, than any other city on earth.

Paris ran it neck-and-neck for a while, after which London romped away as the national and then imperial capital of a legal system with centralised Royal Courts of Justice, Inns of Court, Courts of Appeal, debtors prisons, the Old Bailey, the Archbishops Court at St Mary le Bow, the Bridewell, the notorioua Fleet Prison, and the Metropolitan Police.

No other city so celebrates, in surviving buildings and institutions, the work of judges, lawyers, litigants criminals and the police. This new book does justice to them all...

Covering both civil and criminal aspects of the law, the authors narrative account is enormously expanded by some two hundred photographs and engravings, each fully captioned; plus maps to show the location of the courts, Inns, prisons and other places of punishment throughout the metropolis.

This fascinating study of the law at work in days gone by is both entertaining and informative.

Though of particular value to everyone interested in London history, it will appeal to members of the legal and law enforcement professions everywhere that the 'English' system and tradition has left its mark.

Legal History, Legal History (Out of Print), Inns of Court
List of Illustrations
Foreword by Lord Woolf, Master of the Rolls
The Tower of London; fortress, prison and place of execution
The Mother of Parliaments
The Royal Courts at Westminster and on the Strand
The other Courts of London
Crime and Punishment
The London Police
Temple Bar and the Inns of Court
Serjeants Inn and the Inns of Chancery
Some other scenes from Chancery Lane and Fleet Street
The Lawyers
The Lawyers Churches
The Prisons of London
Punishments in Prison
Law Reports and legal ephemera