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Introduction to Arbitration

ISBN13: 9781859788837
ISBN: 1859788831
Published: July 1998
Publisher: Informa Law from Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

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Aims to provides a highly accessible, yet practical guide to all aspects of arbitration, from the drafting of an arbitration agreement through to the award - including enforcement and appeals. Comprehensive in its approach, every stage of the arbitral process under the Arbitration Act 1996 is covered, including a seperate chapter covering special types of arbitration such as consumer schemes and arbitration under statute.

Written in simple non-legalistic language and intentionally general in its coverage, this book should be of relevance to arbitration matters in whatever trade and profession it is practiced. It may be of particular interest to students taking CIArb examinations, exempting courses for CIArb exams, and those pursuing more general arbitration courses at university or other colleges of higher education.

Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
A brief history of arbitration in Great Britain; introduction to arbitration law in England, Wales and Northern Ireland; arbitration agreements; appointment; the arbitrator; multi-member agreement tribunals; the preliminary meeting; preparation for the hearing; court assistance and intervention; the hearing; the ward; costs of arbitration; other types of arbitration.