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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Commencement of Laytime 4th ed isbn 9781843115304

Commencement of Laytime 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781859781968
ISBN: 1859781969
New Edition ISBN: 9781843115304
Published: April 1998
Publisher: Informa Law
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Out Of Print
The answer to the question ""when does laytime commence?"" is pivotal in the majority of laytime and demurrage disputes. This text looks at the issues that determine the answer and the problems that invariably arise in doing so, explaining how the law deals with them. There is a constant flow of disputes through arbitration and the courts -disputes which typically involve large sums of money.

Covering commencement of laytime in depth, this work explains the law in a concise, accessible style, and should prove to be of value to shipping professionals and maritime lawyers likely to become embroiled in disputes.

It discusses the general requirements of English law; arriving at a destination - including the ""within the port"" test, special clauses, and breaches of contract, including the Laura Prima Readiness - including cargo spaces (the Tres Flores), equipement, draught, documentation, special clauses and breach of contract; notice of readiness - including special clauses, waiver/estoppel and the all important ""Mexico 1"" Court of Appeal decision, and considers recent cases such as the ""Petr Schmidt"" and the ""Agamemnon""; and various matters such as overchartering and work before the commencement of laytime. Updated to incorporate recent developements, this work is a comprehensive source of information on the law's current position on laytime issues.

General requirements of English law; arriving a t the agreed destination; special clauses relevant to arriving at the destination; breaches of contract/damages relevant to arriving at the destination - implied terms; Readiness; special clauses/breaches of contract relevant to readiness; notice of readiness including relevant special clauses and acceptance of notice of readiness; miscellaneous matters.