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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Financial Remedies Practice 2023-24 isbn 9781801610674

Financial Remedies Practice 2022-23

ISBN13: 9781859599976
New Edition ISBN: 9781801610674
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781859599570
Published: June 2022
Publisher: Class Legal
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Financial Remedies Practice is firmly established as the essential, specialist reference for all family financial remedy practitioners.

Cited and used in courts every day, this unique book combines in a single portable volume authoritative Commentary on financial remedies practice and procedure together with the full and up-to-date text of the relevant Family Procedure Rules and Practice Directions. The Commentary is written by the team responsible for At A Glance so you can be confident that the guidance is current, trusted and insightful.

Crucially, and unlike other books on the topic, Financial Remedies Practice provides unrivalled coverage of myriad decisions and developments under the CPR that now mirror many of the key aspects of financial remedies practice, such as injunctions, relief from sanctions, costs and general case management.

This breadth of coverage and the expertise of the authors means that Financial Remedies Practice should be on the shelf in every family law library.

What's new for 2022-23?

This 11th edition incorporates all the significant developments of the last 12 months. In particular, the Commentary on the Financial Remedies Court has been substantially rewritten to reflect the promulgation of a number of important pieces of procedural guidance, notably the FRC Efficiency Statement and its new compulsory ES1 and ES2 templates issued in January 2022, updated guidance on e-bundles, and three items of Presidential Guidance, on Drafting Orders, Experts in the Family Court and Witness Statements. The implications of these documents for practitioners are discussed in detail in the text.

The Commentary analyses the key case law of the last 12 months, which includes decisions in the area of arbitration (A v A - guidance on challenges to arbitration awards), anonymisation of judgments, executory orders (the Thwaite jurisdiction), and several additions to the increasing body of case law on costs in financial remedy cases.

Family Law