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RIBA Standard Agreement 2010 (2012 revision): Architect

ISBN13: 9781859464533
Published: October 2012
Publisher: RIBA Publications Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: A4 Paperback
Price: Out of print

The RIBA Standard Agreement 2010 (2012 revision): Architect has been rigorously checked for legal accuracy. Formally recommended by the RIBA and readily tailored to the needs of specific projects, it presents a secure contract document for the appointment of architects. Pack contains: - Conditions of Appointment for an Architect: designed to create a fair balance of risk between the architect and the client, it sets out the obligations of the parties - Schedules: Project Data; Services; Fees and Expenses: Project Data: essential, this component is used for recording project-specific details such as the amount of PI Insurance Role Specifications, Design and Other Services. Comprises three parts: Role Specification, defining the responsibilities; Design Services, compatible with the RIBA Outline Plan of Work 2007 and suitable for use for designers in any profession; and Other Services: a facility for tailoring the agreement to the Project. It can be replaced or added to by electronic schedules available from www.ribabookshops.com/agreements Fees and Expenses: optional, it can be used with any of the RIBA Agreements 2010 (2012 revision). - Memorandum of Agreement for the Appointment of an Architect: a formal method of agreeing the contract - Notes: Part 1 Notes on Use and Completion; Part 2 Model Letter: the model letter can be used instead of the Memorandum of Agreement, particularly for a domestic client.

Construction Law