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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Modern Tort Law 7th ed isbn 9780415458467

Modern Tort Law 6th ed

ISBN13: 9781859419762
ISBN: 1859419763
New Edition ISBN: 9780415458467
Previous Edition ISBN: 1859418112
Published: September 2005
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The sixth edition of this popular textbook provides a clear analysis of all aspects of the law of tort, and comprehensively updates the fifth edition. The aim of the book is to explain the principles of tort law in such a way as to enable students to understand them and apply them effectively. Particular attention is paid to areas of law that students find the most difficult, and to the context within which the law is evolving, with the intention of making these topics accessible and enjoyable.

The legal analysis covers many hundreds of cases, and offers insights into developing areas of negligence, employers' liability, occupiers' liability, torts relating to land, defamation, quantum of damage and other mainstream topics. Since the publication of the last edition of the book there have been significant developments in the law of negligence, trespass to the person, causation and remoteness of damage, the defence of consent and employers' liability - especially in relation to psychiatric injury. New trends are identified and discussed in depth.

Important features of this edition are:-

  • In-depth analysis of the legal rules in a clear style
  • Detailed coverage and comment on the cases
  • Extensive discussion of recent House of Lords decisions including
    • Gregg v Scott (2005)
    • Chester v Afshar (2004)
    • Cambell v MGN (2004)
    • Wainwright v Home Office (2003)
    • Transco v Stockport MBC (2003)
    • Rees v Darlington Memorial NHS Trust (2003)
  • Comprehensive analysis of trends and developments in this fast-moving area of law
  • Discussion of policy issues
  • Consideration of Human Rights issues in tort
  • A contextual approach covering practical matters such as the Civil Procedure Rules 1998, and other institutional issues
  • A student-friendly approach
  • Concise summaries at the conclusion of each topic

Tort Law
An Overview of the Law of Tort
Introduction to the Tort of Negligence
Duty of Care - General Principles
Duty of Care - Psychiatric Injury
Duty of Care - Economic Loss
Miscellaneous Situations
Breach of Duty - The Standard of Care
Causation and Remoteness of Damage
Breach of Statutory Duty
Occupiers Liability
Torts Relating to Land
Liability for Animals
Trespass to the Person
Employers Liability
Product Liability
Vicarious Liability
Trespass to Goods
Defamation and Other Torts Affecting the Reputation
Criticisms of Tort Reform