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Practical Guide to Handling Motor Insurance Bureau Claims

ISBN13: 9781859417539
ISBN: 1859417531
Published: October 2002
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £79.99

Despatched in 6 to 8 days.

To effectively handle Motor Insurers' Bureau claims,the letters and checklists in this book are essential. To save you time, all the documents (letters, checklists, questionnaires and forms) contained in the book are available as Word documents for a fee of 10. The complete package can be sent to you by email or on disk by post.

The 1999 Uninsured Drivers Agreement applies to accidents in which an uninsured driver was involved, which have occurred after 1 October 1999. Limitation periods for cases under the agreement will start to expire from 1 October 2002, after which procedural defects cannot be overcome by discontinuing and reissuing. To avoid satisfying any unpaid judgments, the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) will be able to act on any failure by claimants solicitors to comply with the strict terms of the Agreement.

In order to prepare for this, those dealing with Motor Insurers Bureau claims must have watertight systems in place in order to avoid potential negligence claims. This book is an essential guide to preparing such procedures, and includes a series of standard letters, checklists and diary entries to guide a practitioner through each aspect of such a claim.;The Guide deals with the detailed provisions of the 1999 Agreement and the Revised Notes for Guidance (2002).

The difficult tasks of handling claims against uninsured drivers and dealing with the MIB are addressed in a practical manner. All relevant recent legislation is discussed, as well as claims against untraced drivers and methods of discovering road traffic insurers to prevent the necessity of involving the MIB. Guidance is also given regarding setting up a department to deal with MIB claims.

The book will be indispensable for any legal executive or solicitor dealing with MIB claims, particularly those handling road accident personal injury claims and all those managing teams of injury specialists.

Personal Injury Law
Claims against the uninsured driver: A basic outline
The 1999 Uninsured Drivers Agreement
Managing MIB claims within a personal injury department
Receipt of Instructions
Pre- Issue Matters
Issuing Proceedings
Proceedings post-issue
Heads of claim
Settlement and costs
Apportionment of Damages
Recovery section: MIB claims going wrong
The 1998 uninsured drivers agreement
The untraced drivers agreement 1996
Practical steps in making a claim under the untraced drivers agreement
Appeals under the untraced drivers agreement