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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been abandoned before publication:
Briefcase on Equity and Trusts 4th ed isbn 9781859417638

Briefcase on Equity and Trusts 3rd ed

Gary WattSenior Lecturer in Law, Nottingham Trent University

ISBN13: 9781859416778
ISBN: 1859416772
New Edition ISBN: 1859417639
Published: May 2001
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Out Of Print
This book complements modern degree courses in equity and the law of trusts. Attention is given to traditional deed created trusts and also to modern trusts in commercial contexts, which are of increasing importance. The emphasis is on the intellectual and conceptual challenges arising from equity and trusts in their practical settings.

Accordingly the book is divided into broad headings covering the setting up of trusts, the variation of trusts, filling the office of trustee, filling the role of trustee, breach of trust, resulting trusts, constructive trusts, tracing and injunctions. This edition has been fully updated to include the Trustee Act 2000 and important recent cases such as Foskett v McKeown, Air Jamaica v Charlton, Banner homes v Luff and T Choithram International v Pagarani.

Student Revision Aids
Defining Equity & Trusts; Setting Up a Trust; Varying a Trust; Filling and Fulfilling the Office of Trustee; Resulting and Constructive Trusts; Tracing and Equitable Remedies.