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Law for Non-law Students 3rd ed

Keith OwensChair of the Law Subject Group, University College, Northampton

ISBN13: 9781859416716
ISBN: 1859416713
Published: October 2001
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £47.99

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Law for Non-Law Students is written in a clear and readable style and aims to make the law understandable for readers at undergraduate or comparable level. It explains the practical influences under which the law has been formed,so that the student will be better able to understand why the law has developed in the way that it has. It gives lots of straightforward examples as to how the law works in practice and aims to equip students with the ability to appraise the effectiveness of the law in a particular circumstance rather than simply providing a list of rules for the student to regurgitate at exam time. The facts of the more important cases are given in some detail to enable the student to appreciate the range of factors which the court may have taken into account in reaching its decision. The new edition has been updated to take account of all recent developments, both in relation to statute and to case law. Certain chapters, particularly in the area of sale of goods, have been substantially rewritten and expanded in an attempt to give more detail, while at the same time remaining student-friendly. New chapters on Agency and Negligence have been added. brThis new edition shoul

English Legal System
The Legal System; ; Contracts and What They Are Used For; ; Have We Got a Contract?; ; Certainty of Terms and Subject Matter; ; Consideration; ; Intention to Create Legal Relations; ; The Terms of the Contract; ; Unfair Contracts; ; Misrepresentation; ; Privity of Contract; ; Mistaken Identity and Mistakes With Documents; ; Capacity; ; Illegality; ; Discharge of Contracts; ; Remedies for Breach of Contract; ; Supply of Goods and Services; ; Sale of Goods Terms Implied in Favour of the Buyer; ; Sale of Goods: Passing of Property; ; Transfer of Title By a Non-owner; ; Duties of the Buyer and Seller; ; The Duties of the Agent and the Principal; ; Consumer Credit; ; Liability for Unsafe Products; ; Criminal Liability for Statements; ; Negligence (1); ; Negligence (2); ; Corporations; ; Company Directors,Secretary and Auditors; ; Company Insolvency;