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Exploring Sport and Leisure Disasters

Hazel HartleyPrincipal Lecturer, Leeds Metropolitan University

ISBN13: 9781859416501
ISBN: 1859416500
Published: September 2001
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This book provides a socio-legal analysis of disasters by setting out two sport and leisure disasters (the 1989 Hillsborough and Marchioness disasters) and considering them in their broader legal/political/economic and policy contexts. It bases the analysis on in-depth examinations of the legal responses to these disasters.

The foundations for the case studies are laid by reviewing critiques of relevant contemporary legal problems. These include the concepts and contexts of disasters; the law in a liberal democracy; negligence,mass actions and policy in PTSD cases; statutory regulation of health and safety; the laws of corporate reckless manslaughter and the contemporary legal problems of inquests and public inquiries into disasters. The theoretical and policy chapters are followed by the presentation of the two case study disasters, drawing on documentary sources and interviews with academics, policy makers, key legal practitioners and campaigners for legal reform, involved in these post-disaster legal processes.

The analysis returns to the critical themes of the earlier chapters and ends with conclusions and recommendations for further research and legal reform arising out of this particular area of disaster law. Students in sport and leisure courses will be required to tackle legal and ethical issues as part of the expectations of national subject benchmarking standards. Law modules and courses in sport and law are developing an increasingly socio-legal, if not multi-disciplinary approach.

This book takes account of this and contributes to the gap in the literature, taking a critical, multi-disciplinary approach to sport, leisure and the law. However, it will be useful to a broader group of readers who study, practice or work in the law or legal reform and apply their work to disasters.

Criminal Law, Health and Safety, Tort Law
1: Disasters - Conceptions and context
2: Liberal Democracy, the state and the rule of law
3: Strength in numbers? Mass Actions in nervous shock
4: Safe in their hands? Criminal Liability: Breaches of statutory duties and corporate reckless manslaughter
5: Two versions of an inquisition: Inquests and public inquiries into individual and mass deaths
6: Case Study 1: The Hillsborough football stadium disaster
7: Case Study 2: The 1989 Marchioness Disaster
8: Critical Evaluation and Conclusions