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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Personal Injury Litigation 4th ed isbn 9780854900862

Practice Notes on Personal Injury 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781859415771
ISBN: 1859415776
New Edition ISBN: 9780854900862
Previous Edition ISBN: 0851218660
Published: March 2002
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This latest addition to the Cavendish Practice Notes series is basic and clear outline of personal injury practice and procedure,and includes discussion of recent developments such as the Pre-Action Protocols, the Civil Procedure Rules and Conditional Fee Agreements. As well as setting out the procedural requirements, accompanied by useful checklists,

Practice Notes on Personal Injury deals with all important issues of liability, including product liability and clinical negligence. A novel development in a book of this size is a list of website addresses that may be of direct use to personal injury practitioners. Although aimed at practitioners, the book will assist insurers, trade union officials and anyone who needs to understand the personal injury process.

Personal Injury Law
1. Basic Information
2. Damages and Interest
3. Financing the Case
4. Investigating the Claim and the Pre-Action Protocol
5. Starting Proceedings and Drafting Statements of Case
6. Payments into Court,Part 20 Proceedings
7. Case Management, Disclosure and Inspection
8. Preparing for Trial
9. Early Conclusion of Cases
1. 10. Basic Precedents and Forms
11. Summary of Procedure
12. Matters Requiring Special Care
13. Further Reading
14. Useful Addresses
15. Appendix