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Scottish Company Law 2nd ed

Nicholas Bourne, Brian PillansLecturer in Law, Glasgow Caledonian University

ISBN13: 9781859415351
ISBN: 1859415350
Published: September 1999
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £45.99

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The second edition of this successful book incorporates many important developments,such as the changing judicial approach to directors duties and disqualification orders, recent developments in auditors liability and the effect of the House of Lords decision in Sharp v Thompson. New legislation include the Competition Act 1998 and the Human Rights Act 1998. Recent work of the Law Commissions on Shareholder Remedies and Directors Duties is examined. The ongoing debate on corporate governance is brought up to date with the incorporation of the Greenbury and Hampel Reports and the Combined Code on Corporate Governance and the work of the DTI on reform of company law is explained.

Introduction; The Salomon Principle and the Corporate Veil; Promoters; Issue of Shares to the Public; The memorandum of Association; The Articles of Association; Shares and Payment of capital; The Payment of Dividends; The Maintenance of Capital; Directors; Director's Duties,Powers of Directors; Insider Dealing; Minority Protection; Company Meetings; Accounts, Annual Return, Auditors; Company Secretary; Debentures and Securities; Receivership; Voluntary Arrangements and Administration; Investigations; Takeovers, Reconstructions and Amalgamations; Liquidation; Company Law - The Future.