Out Of Print
Family Law provides a reader-friendly guide to the basic family law topics. It also includes indications of where the law may be going in practice,for example, following the implementation of the Human Rights Act which potentially affects family law across the board, and the major upheaval in ancillary relief following the House of Lords decision in White v White. The Adoption and Children Act 2002 is also discussed.
This concise but comprehensive guide to the law flags the major academic and practitioner issues, providing guidance on contemporary themes. This book is of assistance to those at undergraduate and vocational course level, and to the practitioner who seeks an overview of an unfamiliar subject. The text is particularly accessible to today's busy student, whether studying part time alongside employment or, regardless of official full time status, yet obliged also to work to fund study.
Distance and flexible learners will find the author has gathered together in digestible form most of what they need to know for a full understanding of the subject, and has erected signposts to other sources which may be explored where time and resources permit.