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Pratice Notes on Private Company Law 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781859414576
ISBN: 1859414575
Published: March 2001
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This book is a succinct guide to company law. The reader is guided through the elements involved in forming a company,and other vital areas are explained in detail, including: the availability of public information on companies and how to find it; directors' obligations; minority shareholders' rights; the memorandum and articles of association; how a company should execute a document; company meetings and charges; and debentures. This third edition has been updated to include consideration of recent important cases, as well as key statutory instruments that have impacted upon company law since the last edition. It also includes a section on dividends and an analysis of the DTI's proposals for reform of company charges.

Sources and Definitions; Introduction; Formation; The Companies Register; The Memorandum of Association and the Doctrine of Ultra Vires; The Articles of Association; Share Capital and Dividends; Directors; Meetings; The Elective Regime; Execution of Documents by a Company; Minority Shareholder Rights; Charges and Debentures; Forms; Useful Addresses; Time Periods and Penalties..