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Practice Notes on Conveyancing 4th ed

ISBN13: 9781859414538
ISBN: 1859414532
Published: May 2001
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £49.99

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The basic essentials of the conveyancing transaction are of long standing,but recent years have seen many developments, which this book incorporates. As the legal profession has endeavoured to adapt to commercial pressures, so the art and practiceof conveyancing has had to respond to the realities of modern day life. This new edition represents a more comprehensive contribution to the art and practice of conveyancing. It looks at the task through the eyes of someone in business as a conveyancer and the challenges and opportunities that it provides. It aims to tame its market as a training handbook, which is quick and easy to read and to assimilate.

Introduction; The Commonwealth and NSW Evidence Acts 1995; Classification and Presentation of Evidence; Relevance; Hearsay; Opinion; Judgments and Convictions; Tendency and Coincidence; Credibility; Identification; Privilege; Proof and Procedural Matters.