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Introduction to Administrative Law

ISBN13: 9781859411919
ISBN: 1859411916
Published: February 1996
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Format: paperback (C format)
Price: Out of print

The book is designed to provide a comprehensive and readable insight into the structure of contemporary legal controls of administrative power through the courts, Parliament and other agencies. The mult-faceted role of the law in the context of an unwritten constitution is stressed. The book also deals with changes in the direction and deployment of administrative power as well as with the evolving structures of local government and the tensions between local governmental power and central governmental control. A broad view is taken of the issues, extending from the essential constitutional context, through the administrative agencies, judicial review, remedies, and the position of the Crown to the ombudsman remedy for maladministration.

Constitutional and Administrative Law
The Scope and Purpose of Administrative Law; The Crown and Central Government; Statutory Inquiries; Local Authorities; Administrative Tribunals; Public Corporations, Executive and Privatised Agencies; The Nature and Characteristics of Administrative Powers; The Sources of Administrative Powers; Procedural Ultra Vires; Natural Justice; Substantive Ultra Vires; Administrative Remedies; Judicial Remedies; Crown Proceedings; Remedies for Maladministration