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Sourcebook on Feminist Jurisprudence

ISBN13: 9781859411131
ISBN: 1859411134
Published: March 1996
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £110.00

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This book is a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between feminist theories and the law,and the way in which developments of the former have affected, and been affected by, the latter. The book takes as its starting point a study of women and culture on an international level, which demonstrates how religious and cultural influences have been fundamental in establishing contemporary legal and social mores. This provides the setting for an investigation into legal and social discrimination and inequality, and how this has been addressed by the emergence of feminism. A number of critiques and developments are examined.

1. Factual Data on the World's Women; 2. Women and Culture; 3. The Evolution and Scope of Feminist Jurisprudence; 4. Feminist Legal Methods5. Patriarchy: Public and Private6. Gender: Equality/ Sameness/ Difference7. Ancient Political Thought8. 'Traditional' Jurisprudence9. Women, Violence and the Legal System10. Pornography11. Women and Medicine12. Women and International Law