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When Bank Systems Fail: Debit Cards, Credit Cards, Atms, Mobile and Online Banking: Your Rights and What to Do When Things Go Wrong 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781858117218
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781858117164
Published: October 2014
Publisher: PP Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £19.99

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The aim of this book is to help you deal with your bank if anything like this should happen to you.

The interconnected world of online, mobile and ATMs is a ripe hunting ground for thieves. Protecting your rights if you are a victim can be difficult, especially if the banks suspect you have been involved.

Stephen Mason is a renowned expert on electronic evidence. Here for the first time, he has provided the information and the tools with w hich to protect yourself .

Banking and Finance
How the ATM system works
How theives steal from ATMs and other devices
The weaknesses of internet banking systems
The contract with the bank
Negligence of the bank and the customer
The legal basis for a claim
Some problems with evidence
Handling a dispute in the early stages
What to do when disputes occur