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Watson-Gandy on the Law Relating to Accountants: Law, Precedents, Practice and Procedure 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781858116006
Previous Edition ISBN: 1872328989
Published: May 2008
Publisher: Hammicks Legal Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £89.00

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Accountants play an increasingly important and diverse role in society today. Traditionally in the United Kingdom accountants are the first port of call for businessmen seeking any form of professional advice or assistance. They undertake a wide range of functions which stretch far beyond their traditional roles of preparing accounts, financial reporting, auditing and tax planning.

Today accountants also offer management consultancy, give corporate finance advice, offer company secretarial services, undertake financial management, give personal finance advice, advise on computer software and act as trustees in bankruptcy, liquidators, administrative receivers and administrators. In numbers accountants dwarf the other professions: roughly ten qualified accountants to every solicitor and a hundred accountants to every barrister.

This major work provides legal practitioners advising accountants and accountants themselves with clear and practical guidance — from non-contentious but vital practice governance issues to the complex issues pertaining to professional negligence.

Company Law, Professional Negligence
The accountant
The accountancy practice
The accountant and his client
Claims against accountants
Auditors and Reporting Accountants
Claims against auditors
Other Roles of the accountant
The accountant and the courts
Disciplinary proceedings
International practice