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The Future of European Aviation Safety Regulation

ISBN13: 9781857681222
ISBN: 1857681223
Published: February 2001
Publisher: The Royal Aeronautical Society
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Air Law Conference Proceedings; In January 1996 the Society's Air Law Group held a conference on The Future of Aviation Safety Regulation from a European Perspective.

The level of attendance at and interest in that conference demonstrated demand for a follow-up. The intervening period saw a number of significant developments, not least the publication by the EC Commission of a recommendation on a European aviation safety organisation, the debate about the form such an organisation should take and the implementation of JAR-OPS.

Whether the likely shape of future European aviation safety regulation is clearer now than it was five years ago is debatable. What is not is that the subject remains complex, from the legal, political and practical points of view, and that no-one involved in the European aviation and aerospace industries can afford not to be up to date with developments and initiatives, and to participate in the debate.

This conference aimed to provide both up to the minute information and a forum for informed debate. The speakers included leading experts from national regulatory authorities, the EC Commission, the JAA, the FAA, manufacturers and operators.

Air and Space Law